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Student Support 

PC is well known as a family school where teachers and senior students in our houses take care of the younger ones. At the start of Year 9 we have a day out for each Year 9 class with teachers from their house and families are invited to share a meal in the evening. Within school we have a wide range of support for students who need a little bit of extra awhi:

  • Kanohi ke te Kanohi Leader - Latu To'omaga 04 237 5465 ext. 782
  • Counsellor - Steve Barnsley 04 237 5465 ext. 707
  • Challenge 2000 Social Worker - Sherrie Wharewaka-Paulo & Adam Bain 04 237 5465 ext. 814
  • Nurse - Lisa Wheatley 04 237 5465 ext. 807
  • Doctor - weekly visits, book at the school office
  • Physio - weekly visits, book at the school office

We also run programmes with outside partners:

  • CACTUS - police and community mentors offer an 8 week fitness and personal development programme every year
  • Boxing Gym - programmes for PC boys and girls
  • Ignite Sports - personal development, sports and leadership activities for all year groups
  • Te Ahi Kaa - Challenge 2000 work with PC to provide a transition space for students who need extra support
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